The Stores

What do I get (as a business owner) ?

So, if you've read the previous posts you know about the benefits that users get from the app. But what about the business owner?

Well, that's simple:

1) Recommendations: With all data combined, our recommendations can show users stores that they will like with better accuracy and ones that might be buried in other platforms.

2) Loyalty Boost: Users are incentivized by receiving additional coins for visiting the same stores repeatedly. 

3) Hangouts: Hangouts are core to our user experience, so any store we partner with can become an instant hangout spot for our users.

4) Analytics: Our analytics across all our services will pinpoint how the store performs on all 8 points of the customer experience assessment.

5) User Surveys: Stores can upload surveys for their customers, from which stores can get an in-depth understanding of their customer’s complaints, ideas for solutions or test any of their future plans.

Alternatively, you could have read about all this at: https://www.tharasis.com/stores

Continue the Series:

04: How does the Beta work?

If you're reading this, our beta is probably live. Take a look here to see how you can use the app and how you can give us feedback.

05: Current Bugs

What's currently a bit wonky, what's being worked on and how you can help.